Designed for: Commissioning

Experience a structured and scientific approach to collecting trend data during IST. Quickly validate your CFD models or bench mark equipment stress tests with precision and efficiency.

 The Best Tool During IST

Whether you are running a CRAC stress test, validating a CFD or testing environments during Commissioning, the AUDIT-BUDDY™ is there to help save time and money.

The AUDIT-BUDDY™ system is a standalone, portable monitor that captures Temperature, Relative Humidity and Dew Point where ever and whenever you need it.

 How it Works

Step 1: Rent AUDIT-BUDDY Stands or use Purkay Labs On-Site Service

Step 2: Collect time-trend data during systems test

Step 3: Generate report to drill down to different parts of the facility.


Save Time & Money

The data is automatically generated at the end of the testing period, so you don’t have to waste time extracting data from loggers, or spend hours stitching the data together in a readable format.

On-Site or Online Support

Scientific and Structured

Don’t rely on data loggers hung from the ceiling or placed sporadically through the testing location. The Baseline Rental Package is a structured and scientific method that captures air striations at three different heights simultaneously. AUDIT-BUDDY is designed to meet ASHRAE and Green Grid technical standards for optimal measuring.

Purkay Labs team members are always available to make sure the job is 100% successful. Whether you need online-support during a job, or need us to run the full benchmarking project for you, we can help.