Purkay Labs News
Debunking Common Myths About Data Center Cooling
Learn the truth behind common data center cooling myths that can lead to inefficiency and higher costs. This article debunks popular misconceptions—such as the belief that lower temperatures always mean better performance—and offers practical strategies for optimizing cooling systems. Discover how right-sizing, alternative cooling methods, and regular maintenance can improve efficiency and reduce operational expenses.
What to Do If Your Cooling Systems Fail
When cooling systems fail in a data center, immediate action is critical to prevent costly damage. Learn the essential steps to take during a cooling emergency to keep your systems safe.
Why Should You Care about Server Delta-T?
Understanding the baseline conditions of a data center is crucial for its sustainability journey. Server Delta-T, measuring the temperature rise of cooling air at the server inlet and exhaust, is a key metric impacting server reliability and energy efficiency. Maintaining an optimal Delta-T, typically in the range of 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, ensures efficient cooling. Learn more about the benefits of measuring your server delta-T here.
Preventative Maintenance 101: A Guide to Conducting Routine Maintenance in Your Data Center"
Preventative maintenance is the key to ensuring that the data center operates at optimal levels, reduces downtime, and avoids costly repairs. But what do you include in a good PM routine? This article covers a high level view of how to conduct a good PM check.
The Key to a Reliable Data Center
One of the critical factors that contribute to the reliability of a data center is its maintenance. Preventative maintenance is the key to ensuring that the data center operates at optimal levels, reduces downtime, and avoids costly repairs. This article explores what exactly is preventative maintenance and what are the benefits.
Purkay Labs Celebrates International Data Center Day
Purkay Labs, the leading provider of portable environmental monitoring systems, is proud to announce its participation in 5th Annual International Data Center Day on March 22, 2023.
How to Stop Overcooling Your Data Center
Overcooling is a common issue in data centers that often goes unnoticed. It can waste energy, increase operating costs, and decrease the lifespan of your equipment. By using a tool, like the AUDIT-BUDDY and the Static Heat Map, you can identify areas of overcooling and adjust your cooling strategy to optimize energy efficiency and equipment performance. The data will help you to adjust your cooling strategy to save energy, reduce operating costs, and extend the lifespan of your equipment.
How to Respond to Increased Data Center Demand & Energy Cost in 2023
The demand for storage and processing of digital information has never been greater. Yet, Data Center managers are being challenged to “do more with less.” This article covers how to create a simple cooling optimization strategy.